An Early W.A.L.L. Logo

If you were to tell someone that you were packing up only essential supplies to survival, throwing all 50 pounds of it on your back, and wandering into the woods, most people would tell you that you were crazy. Add on the fact that you would be hiking 26 miles, fundraising $2012, and bringing along teenagers to heights of over 11,500 feet over the course of 4 days you would get one of two responses: “You’re insane!” or “COOL!” That, simply put, is the WALL program.

There is something wonderful and liberating about being in the woods. Having grown up in suburbia, I did not have too many experiences in nature; oddly enough, I was the kid whose parents DID NOT allow him to be a Boy Scout. Most of the time, it seems like parents force their children to join these programs. As a result, I had to explore the woods from the safety of my own room, reading books like The Call of the Wild and Hatchet. Even though I consider myself to have had a privileged life, it wasn’t until college that I had the opportunity to experience the outdoors. Jumping in and out of a car to take pictures was not my idea of experiencing the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone.

In college I began rock climbing, camping, and hiking, and eventually backpacking through the WALL program. Although for the most part, I was only an hour away from my life in LA, those few hours spent in quiet were incredible. I would sit; watching birds, listening to water spill over falls, the whispering wind, and then write down my thoughts on paper, free from all the critical voices of the people I left at home. If I grew up in the inner city like many of our campers, I could only imagine feeling crushed by the constant noise and pressures surrounding me.

The need for children to experience nature is extremely important, Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, states: “Very few children in today’s society even

W.A.L.L. Shirt Logo

play outside!” Call me a romantic dreamer of yesterday, but it bothers me that kids spend all day inside connected to their iPods, Facebook, and video games. What bothers me even more is my own attachment to these things! Given that a majority of American kids aren’t experiencing the outdoors, the WALL program seeks to provide the under-served an equal chance to explore in nature.

This year we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the WALL program and plan to serve close to 100 campers. In addition, we are in the midst of an experimental summer, hosting 2 hikes during Session 3, with the goal of expanding our reach, and allowing for twice the amount of WALL campers to be able to participate in the future. In an attempt to discover the roots to this program, I sought out the first WALL Program Director, Eric “Moose” Stein, who was pivotal in the formation of the program in 1988.

How did you get involved in camp?
My roommate in college, Coyote, had done camp in the summer of 1985. He had come back telling me about what a great experience he had, as well as the amazing friends he made. I was convinced, and joined camp as a result.

Why did you develop the WALL program?
I didn’t develop the WALL program alone; it was a group decision, in large part by the camp director at the time.  At this point, I was in my 3rdyear in camp, and we had a

Artistic WALL Shirt Design

junior counselor program. These kids were older, had their own unit, and served as floaters within the camp. We wanted to build a program for them that included high adventure and a challenge. Thus, the WALL program was started in 1988.

Did you have previous backpacking experience before, or did you have to learn it all from scratch?
During this time, I was a high school teacher, and had my summers free. I was an avid backpacker and so was able to train my volunteers on the various survival skills. I also became first aid certified, and would accompany the WALLers on their hikes.

What was special about WALL?
At that time, UniCamp was held at Upper and Lower Site. WALL stayed exclusively at Upper Site before taking off on their hike. However, upon return, the WALLers would join the rest of camp at Lower Site, sharing their experiences and encouraging the younger campers to participate in the WALL program in the future. As well, WALL was the only co-ed program at the time, and made for a unique experience for the campers.

Is there any advice you would like to give to the WALLers this year?
For the campers I would encourage them to “relish the challenge.” The hike may be difficult and strenuous, but that there is a lot to be gained from the experience. Despite the pain and discomfort, the hike up to San Gorgonio is not a feat to be disregarded, because there are so many people in LA that will never achieve what you will

.For the advisors, I would tell them to have fun, and that WALL is a very special experience, as you are working with kids that are transitioning into young adulthood. This is a very important time in their lives, and there is a lot to be gained by the campers from have the WALL experience.

How has the WALL program impacted you to this day?

Current W.A.L.L. Logo

As a counselor, Head Counselor, and member of the Board of Trustees, I would say that WALL has provided me with the most lasting memories. As well, it is something that I am most proud of, not to say that it would not have happened without me, but that it was a great niche that I found in camp. It’s not about me but the lasting memories, and the fact that the program is still going strong to this day.

I would like to wish a happy 25th birthday to the WALL program, and to recognize all the time, dedication, and money that have been given by all the WALL Program Directors and Advisors over this time. This program is truly a testament to our Woodsey values, and the experiences and memories made can only be described as “Woodsey magic.”

I leave you with the following quote, as I strongly believe in the merits of the WALL program, and the experience it provides to the underserved youth of LA.

“And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong, to measure yourself at least once, to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions, facing blind, deaf stone alone, with nothing to help you but your own hands and your own head.”

— Bear Meat by Primo Levi


Sherlock “Squirrelly” Ho
WALL Program Director 2012


If you have ever been a part of the W.A.L.L. program or just simply want to celebrate UniCamp. please join us in a celebration of the W.A.L.L. program. This year’s W.A.L.L. advisors are planning a reunion of epic proportions. Here is the SAVE THE DATE info with more info to come next week:

WHO: W.A.L.L. Alumni & Friends and Family
W.A.L.L. 25th Anniversary Event
Saturday June 2nd 10AM – Hike & 1PM – BBQ and Celebration (join us for both!)
Escondido Falls, Malibu CA & 27067 Sea Vista Drive, Malibu, CA

If you would like more information about the 25th anniversary Event email this year’s wall pds @

Shirt Design from the 2000's

Shirt Design from the 90's

When I graduated from elementary school, I I couldn’t wait to get to middle school…
When I graduated from middle school, ascariasis
I couldn’t wait to get to high school…
When I graduated high school, I just wished that I could go back to elementary school and do it all over again…
When I graduated from elementary school, I I couldn’t wait to get to middle school…
When I graduated from middle school, I couldn’t wait to get to high school…
When I graduated high school, I just wished that I could go back to elementary school and do it all over again…
When I graduated from elementary school, I couldn’t wait to get to middle school…
When I graduated from middle school, I couldn’t wait to get to high school…
When I graduated high school, I just wished that I could go back to elementary school and do it all over again…
When I graduated from elementary school, I I couldn’t wait to get to middle school…
When I graduated from middle school, I couldn’t wait to get to high school…
When I graduated high school, I just wished that I could go back to elementary school and do it all over again…
By Emma “Harlequin” Geller

As you may know, Camp has undergone some changes in funding that have put pressure on what programs can be offered this summer. When OCP (Older Camper Programs) applications went out back in November, SAIL was noticeably absent from the list. But we are happy to announce that SAIL is back for Summer 2013, and with exciting new changes in tow!

Photo by Sammie “Misty” Suchland

In order to meet new fundraising challenges and program goals, SAIL is revamping its approach to camp. First of all, SAIL will only be participating in half of the sessions this summer and there will only be six SAIL campers per session. Don’t let that disappoint you, though, because those campers will play a bigger role than ever before; in addition to learning to sail, they will be taking units from Classic Camp out to sail with them on Big Bear Lake! This will surely be an added challenge for our older campers, but it will provide them with a very special kind of leadership experience, and enhance their role in Classic Camp.

The SAIL PDs, Cookie, Monster and Dash, are thrilled about these changes and can’t wait to get started on training! Earlier this month they selected 12 new SAIL advisors who will help lead the program on this new adventure. Just last week they had their first meeting to discuss expectations and ideas for fundraising. Speaking of fundraising…

Although limiting the number of campers and sessions has significantly reduced the cost of the program, SAIL is still feeling the funding crunch. In order to reach their goal of $25,200 as a program, each advisor has committed to raising a minimum of $1,800 each. We hope you’ll support them and their fundraising efforts in the next six months by participating in “SAILabration”, their main Spring fundraiser, and any other events they have in store!

So keep an eye out for those SAILing pirate volunteers and make sure to say, “Ahoy, Matey!” especially if you can spare a buccaneer!