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Category Archives: Snapshots


Retreat Snapshots!

Last weekend, Session 4 and 7 had their session retreats in Big Bear and Idyllwild, respectively. Throughout the weekend, the sessions took part in various icebreakers, solved team-building activities, sung camp songs, and learned more about themselves, their session mates, and their session as a whole. Volunteers often describe session retreats as one of their first glimpses of “Woodsey Magic”. To reflect on this memorable weekend, volunteers start a “snapshot” thread to share their favorite moments. Here are a few!

Remember when:

  1. We were singing/rapping to the cup game Friday night
  2. LaHands thinking I was a ghost and throwing a pillow at me as hard as he could
  3. Everyone’s giant mountains of spaghetti
  4. We were woken up to the smell of BACON
  5. Seeing grown college students running to the swings!!  More

Snapshot Time! Remember when…

At the end of every camp week, volunteers of each session create a “snapshot thread” through emails. Usually prompted with an email that starts with “remember when…”, volunteers contribute to the thread with their favorite memories or “snapshots” of the week. As finals week draw to a close for our students, let’s look at some snapshots of the 2012 camp season. There’s quite a lot of them, so stay tune as we pepper them throughout the year! And see how though each session have different volunteers, different campers, different programs, the Woodsey Magic is there through it all.

Remember when…

  1. Seeing several shooting stars throughout the week while brushing my teeth
  2. Remembering what it was like to be 13 when every little thing was the end of the world
  3. Singing Disney songs during dish duty instead of camp songs
  4.  Spartacus walking around with an empty tray and a “free hugs” sign  More

Snapshot Time! A Snake Encounter

Snapshots! They are special moments in time we capture with our phones, cameras, and even tablets today. Yet, they also describe a longtime tradition of UniCamp, where volunteers and campers share their favorite “snapshots” with each other at the end of the day. But instead of cameras, these snapshots are “captured” by the person’s words and memories. Throughout the year, we will be providing some of our favorite snapshots. Here is one by last year’s volunteer, Nacho!

A seemingly relaxing task and an unexpected visitor….
