About: biffebreeze
Recent Posts by biffebreeze
Recruitment 2017
Attention, attention! Volunteer Recruitment for the 2017 Camp Season has officially begun! Every year, UniCamp is operated by over 500 UCLA student volunteers, and we need your help to make sure we fill our ranks this year. Whether it’s by wearing Woodsey Wear on Woodsey Wednesday, presenting about UniCamp at dorm association meetings, or even going to freshmen lectures to present, we need all Woodseys out there to spread the word!!! You have experienced Woodsey Magic yourself, so now it’s time to share the magic with all the potential new volunteers out there! Apps will…More
Written on November 21, 2017 at 9:21 pm
Categories: News & Info, Uncategorized
Chat with a Camper
When many of the sessions do their co-prefs tonight, the age old debate of counselor vs. specialist will be highlighted once again. In this article, Bubbles gives her thoughts on her different experiences as both a counselor and a specialist. Read on to see how the two roles differ in their responsibilities, but also how both contribute greatly to the experience of camp. — coun·se·lor /?kouns(?)l?r/ Noun 1. The “mom/dad” at camp. 2. A volunteer who supervises a unit of campers with another counselor, as well as program and direct activities for…More
Written on November 21, 2017 at 9:18 pm
Categories: Human Interest
When Camp Inspires Campers to Give Back
UCLA UniCamp Water Tower Update UCLA UniCamp is thankful to be able to say that in just over 1 weeks time, the supporters of UCLA UniCamp donated enough for us to move forward with repairs on the water tower. A crew has been working hard for the last two weeks so they could finish before Session 2. They start their mornings at 4 a.m. by driving from Big Bear to Camp River Glen. Start working on the tower by 5 a.m. and have to stop working by 1 p.m. because…More
Written on July 24, 2014 at 12:32 pm
Categories: Human Interest
Water Tower Updates
RED ALERT! RED ALERT! MAYDAY! Houston, we have a problem! We have a water issue that threatens our camp season. The water tower has failed and repairs are needed NOW! Without these repairs UniCamp CAN NOT operate. We have no time. As it stands, we have to reschedule the first session of the 2014 season, and if we don’t find some help to fund this unbudgeted emergency, other sessions could be in jeopardy. We need your help and we…More
Written on June 20, 2014 at 1:50 pm
Categories: News & Info
S.O.S. – UniCamp Needs Your Help!
Dear Woodseys, Alumni, & Supporters, Thank you for your continued support of UCLA UniCamp. Without your help, this program would not be where it is today. This time last year, we sent out a questionnaire asking for feedback. We had just learned that 20% of our annual support was being redirected to other causes. It was a good time for UniCamp to question how we were addressing our mission. The questionnaire sought feedback on the direction we should take in light of a reduction in foundation support. Some suggested we…More
Written on June 2, 2014 at 12:42 pm
Categories: News & Info
Recent Comments by biffebreeze
- March 20, 2013 on Woodsey Lingo 101
- March 14, 2013 on Woodsey Lingo 101
- January 24, 2013 on It’s Time for a Song!! (A Song!!!)
- January 24, 2013 on It’s Time for a Song!! (A Song!!!)
- April 9, 2012 on “Bill Lovallo” Creator of the Biffy Breeze